
Wednesday, 17 June 2015

C++ 11 when do detached threads termiante?

What is the fate of the thread that is detached via std::thread::detach()? In the common situation the detached thread would be abandoned when the std::exit() would be called, and std::exit() is called on return from main() whether there are additional threads in the process or not.
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "unistd.h"
#include "string"
#include "pthread.h"

class Global {
        std::cout << "Global object dtor\n";

class A {
     std::cout << "A dtor\n";

void thread_main()
  int i = 0;
  A a;
  while (true) {
   std::cout << "thread_main" << i++ << std::endl;

   if (i == 5) break;

void atexit_handler()
    std::cout << "atexit handler\n";

Global global_variable; 

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  const int result = std::atexit(atexit_handler);
  std::thread t(thread_main);
  return 0;
This snippet would produce the following output, note that the destructor for the object allocated on detached thread is not getting called.
atexit handler
Global object dtor
*** Exited normally ***
So the thread is abandoned non-gracefully, in a manner that reminds of the daemon thread in Java. Really, while JVM would not finish application if there is at least one active non-daemon thread, but if the thread is daemon thread it's existence wouldn't prevent app from exiting, and such thread would be abandoned - no stack unwinding, no finally blocks getting called for it. Such threads are used for tasks like garbage collection.

What if std::exit() would not be called from main()? In the following snippet I'm finishing the main thread without calling return and hence exit() is not getting called, because there's still a running thread around.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  const int result = std::atexit(atexit_handler);
  std::thread t(thread_main);
  //return 0;
This will let the detached thread complete and then the process exits releasing all the resources.
A dtor
atexit handler
Global object dtor
*** Exited normally ***

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