Suspicious member variables values, uninitialised fields, stack corruption, Bad ptr? These issues are likely signs of structure’s alignment conflicts. This is when parts of the program are compiled with different alignment settings.
Even if we didn’t bother with alignment settings at all, some 3d-party modules included in our project might setup their own alignment settings, affecting other files in a project.
So, what is structure member alignment about? Starting with a simple example.
So far so good. But what if different parts of program would have different member alignment values? This may lead to weird program behaviour. Consider this code:
Compiling and running this program would 1) make m_Var2 = 8.6792272474287212e+209 2) produce "Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'a' was corrupted" message at exit. This is because inside Main.cpp I maliciously put #pragma that changes alignment to 4 bytes. This way inside Main.cpp class A size is 12 bytes while inside CalculateVars() it is thought to be 16 bytes. As it can be seen, A.cpp knows nothing about the change Main.cpp made to alignment, as it was compiled with the default-from-the-compiler-settings 8 bytes alignment.
This picture shows how the class looks in reality and in CalculateVars()' delusion.
It is obvious now that CalculateVars() writes to m_Var2 at 8 bytes-offset, and gets right into the middle of double field, producing invalid value for it; what's more, as it writes 8 bytes there - the stack would corrupt due to 4 bytes overwrite.
Sometimes it is hard to debug memory-alignment issues, especially if program doesn't tend to fail early. It just works and works, with a few invalid values waiting for an ocassion to become noticed. So it would be nice if compiler would at least throw a warning. Given the code above cl compiler wouldn't warn. However, if I move this nasty #pragma pack in a header, it throws "warning C4103: alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing #pragma pack(pop)". This suggests to me to never put #pragma pack in implementation files, only in headers.
3d-party libraries with different alignment options should normally keep those changes local to themselves, and restore previous memory alignment at the end of their headers (using #pragma pop). For example, when I used stlport library it did just that. It was said that stlport libs where built with 8-byte alignment, and devs wanted to ensure that these libs would be used with identical alignment. Their <vector> header looked something like this:
Otherwise the alignment would change for the rest of the included headers, like in the picture below.
To conclude, when there is suspicion of structure alignment issue in code, it is easy to first test structure size with sizeof(*this) in place. Then, going up the call stack to an object that called the function from disputed place and check its size there. If sizes do not mach — then it is likely an alignment issue. Same as in the above code, when sizeof(A) and sizeof(*this) were different. Also, when including someone else’s headers it is important to check log for the warning C4103.
class A { public: void CalculateVars(); private: long m_Var1; double m_Var2; };While it is easy to see that the size of this class should be 12 (sizeof(long) + sizeof(double)), sizeof(A) would yield 16, because default struct member alignment is 8 with Visual Studio 2008. That is why the compiler adds 4 byte empty memory space after long member variable.
So far so good. But what if different parts of program would have different member alignment values? This may lead to weird program behaviour. Consider this code:
//A.h class A { public: void CalculateVars(); private: long m_Var1; double m_Var2; };
//A.cpp #include "A.h"
void A::CalculateVars() { int size2 = sizeof(*this); m_Var1 = 5; m_Var2 = 4.43; }
//Main.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #pragma pack(4) #include "A.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int size1 = sizeof(A); A a; a.CalculateVars(); return 0; }
Compiling and running this program would 1) make m_Var2 = 8.6792272474287212e+209 2) produce "Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'a' was corrupted" message at exit. This is because inside Main.cpp I maliciously put #pragma that changes alignment to 4 bytes. This way inside Main.cpp class A size is 12 bytes while inside CalculateVars() it is thought to be 16 bytes. As it can be seen, A.cpp knows nothing about the change Main.cpp made to alignment, as it was compiled with the default-from-the-compiler-settings 8 bytes alignment.
This picture shows how the class looks in reality and in CalculateVars()' delusion.
It is obvious now that CalculateVars() writes to m_Var2 at 8 bytes-offset, and gets right into the middle of double field, producing invalid value for it; what's more, as it writes 8 bytes there - the stack would corrupt due to 4 bytes overwrite.
Sometimes it is hard to debug memory-alignment issues, especially if program doesn't tend to fail early. It just works and works, with a few invalid values waiting for an ocassion to become noticed. So it would be nice if compiler would at least throw a warning. Given the code above cl compiler wouldn't warn. However, if I move this nasty #pragma pack in a header, it throws "warning C4103: alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing #pragma pack(pop)". This suggests to me to never put #pragma pack in implementation files, only in headers.
3d-party libraries with different alignment options should normally keep those changes local to themselves, and restore previous memory alignment at the end of their headers (using #pragma pop). For example, when I used stlport library it did just that. It was said that stlport libs where built with 8-byte alignment, and devs wanted to ensure that these libs would be used with identical alignment. Their <vector> header looked something like this:
pragma pack(push,8) ... # include <stl/_vector.h> ... pragma pack(pop)
Otherwise the alignment would change for the rest of the included headers, like in the picture below.
To conclude, when there is suspicion of structure alignment issue in code, it is easy to first test structure size with sizeof(*this) in place. Then, going up the call stack to an object that called the function from disputed place and check its size there. If sizes do not mach — then it is likely an alignment issue. Same as in the above code, when sizeof(A) and sizeof(*this) were different. Also, when including someone else’s headers it is important to check log for the warning C4103.